Small Events Grant 2024/2025

This is a preview of the CEF Application Form 2024/25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Eligibility criteria

* indicates a required field.

Before you start this application

Please note that:

  • SmartyGrants does not auto-save your work.  Ensure you save regularly.
  • Once saved, you can return to your application later.
  • Applications are not submitted until you click the submit button.
This field is read only. 
This field is read only. 

Privacy collection notice


Your personal information and your organisation’s information is being collected by Logan City Council (Council) for the purposes of assessing your grant application, in line with the requirements outlined in the Local Government Act 2009 (Qld) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). This information may be accessed by employees and/or councillors of Council for Council business only. Some of this information may be given to State Government agencies for grant acquittals or audits; organisations and individuals preparing Council publications; audit firms; debt recovery agencies; and to the public for the purposes of reporting on grant usage; public notification of grant information and public promotion of grants available from Council. Your personal information and your organisation’s information may be released by Council to other parties, including law enforcement bodies, if we are required or authorised by law to do so. For further information on how to access or amend your personal information that is held by Council, or if you believe Council has not acted in a way that is compliant with its obligations under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld), please visit Privacy – Logan City Council.

You understand that Council may use your personal information and your organisation’s information for promotional and public purposes; this includes the use of photographs, placement of permanent ceremonial plaques, publication in printed and/or online material; and you consent to this use of your information and the organisation’s information. You understand that this is a requirement of the Grants to community organisations policy.

You understand that where Council may publish the above information online, such as on the Council website, that your personal information and your organisation’s information may be transferred overseas; and you consent to this use of your information and your organisation’s information. You understand that this is a requirement under section 189 of the Local Government Regulation 2012.

Informed consent:

I acknowledge that Council may use my personal information to send me marketing material, electronic communications and eNewsletters, and I consent to this use of my information. I understand that by selecting ‘yes’ below, I agree to opt in and will continue to receive material until I opt out by sending a request to the Community Grants team at

  * Required
Response required.


This application is for the Community Events Funding Program with the following funding available:

  • Small Events Grant – any amount up to $5,000
  • Event Sponsorship Funding – any amount between $5,001 to $20,000.

You must ensure that your request is not eligible for another Council grant before applying for Community Event Funding.

To be considered for funding you must read and confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Community Event Funding guidelines.

Please contact Council's Community Grants team if you have any questions regarding this application or program.

  • Phone: 07 3412 4033
  • Email:
I acknowledge that I have read the Grants to Community Organisations Policy and Community Event Funding Guidelines before completing this application form to ensure the eligibility and program requirements have been met. * Required

Please contact us. (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "I acknowledge that I have read the Grants to Community Organisations Policy and Community Event Funding Guidelines before completing this application form to ensure the eligibility and program requirements have been met." on page 1

Your response indicates that you are ineligible for Community Events Funding. Please contact Council’s Community Grants team if you have any questions regarding your eligibility.