Round: Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2024 to 2025 - Round 54

This is a preview of the Application Form:Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Round 54 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Applying for a grant or funding

* indicates a required field.

Please note:

  • SmartyGrants does not autosave your work, so ensure you save your application regularly. 
  • SmartyGrants allows applicants to save and return to their work later.
  • Applications are not submitted until you click the submit button. 

Other Logan City Council grant opportunities

Council has a range of funding opportunities for community organisations and groups to support your projects, events and initiatives. Please review the below grants and funding to choose the most suitable grant for your project:

  • Community Development Funding: to support initiatives that respond to community priorities and add to the social and community development of the city.
  • Community Events Funding: to support community-led events that celebrate Logan’s vibrancy and community spirit. 
  • EnviroGrants: to support projects that enhance and protect the natural environment and encourage environmentally sustainable practices.
  • Investment Attraction Incentives Fund: to attract investment in key strategic industries to stimulate significant economic and community benefits.
  • Regional Arts Development Fund: to support the development of arts, culture and heritage in Logan.
  • Sport and Recreation Funding: to support the health and wellbeing of the Logan community through participation in sports and recreation.
  • Community Benefit Fund: a limited pool of councillor discretionary funding to meet requests for financial help from eligible community organisations. Suitable for requests that are not eligible for funding under another Council grant program.
  • Grant Writer Program: to help local not-for-profit, incorporate sport, recreation and community organisations source funding from non-Council grants with support from a professional grant writer. 
Is Regional Arts Development Fund best suited for your project? * Required


You must read the following documents before completing your application.

Please note: 

  • You are required to contact the RADF Liaison Officer on 3412 5426 or email to discuss your project idea before starting your application.
  • This application form must be completed in full. Any incomplete applications received after the closing date will not be assessed.
I have read the eligibility documents and am eligible for Regional Arts Development Fund. * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "I have read the eligibility documents and am eligible for Regional Arts Development Fund." on page 1

Before starting your RADF application, please confirm the below information by ticking the boxes. If you are unable to confirm any of this information, please contact Council's RADF Liaison Officer to discuss your project proposal further.

To be eligible for this grant the applicant/organisation must meet the eligibility criteria below. Please tick to confirm that the applicant: * Required
Response required.Response required.

Please contact us (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "I have read the eligibility documents and am eligible for Regional Arts Development Fund." on page 1

Your response indicates that you are not currently eligible for Regional Arts Development Fund.

Before continuing with this application, please contact Council's RADF Liaison Officer to discuss your project proposal further.