*Please ensure you read the 2025 EnviroGrants Guidelines prior to starting your application.
2025 EnviroGrants focus areas
Projects that address the following environmental focus areas in Logan will be prioritised:
- Waterways
- Threatened species
- Education
Purpose and Eligibility
Funding is to support projects that aim to educate the wider community about responsible environmental and
sustainability practices within Logan.
These include workshops, water quality monitoring projects, wildlife conservation activities and events or
educational booklets.
Maximum funding allocation is up to $2,000 per grant.
Who can apply?
- Individuals
- Educational facilities, for example, childcare centres, schools, TAFEs, universities
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations
- Businesses.
What can be applied for?
The following are examples of projects that may be eligible for funding through the Environmental education category:
- Sustainability projects on school property.
- Bush tucker education.
- Community water quality monitoring projects.
- Community education publications.
- Innovative carbon emission reduction or sustainability projects.
- Community environmental education activities, for example, workshops that may help the community to become more sustainable, or more appreciative of native animals and plants.
Assessment Criteria
- Application meets the General Eligibility and General Assessment Criteria.
- Project is consistent with relevant Council policies and other strategic documents.
- Grant funds must be used to deliver environmental outcomes within Logan.
- Grant funds must be for a new initiative or for a new environmental project area.
- Funding for a previously funded project/deliverable will not be supported.
- Grant funded projects are to be delivered within the grant funding period.
- Applicants must supply evidence of appropriate insurance for the proposal/project.
- Quotes for proposed works/services/purchases—3 quotes are required.
- Grant recipients must be free of debt with the Council and must have successfully acquitted any previous grant funding.
- Political organisations are not eligible for funding.
- Internal Council branches are not eligible for funding.
- Applicants must give full consent for Council to use any data, information and/or multimedia relating to the project in any or all promotional and marketing campaigns and any other printed or audio-visual or website material relating to Logan City Council (personal details will not be published).
- Project is in the public interest.
- Outlines level of engagement with the community.
- Project has clear and measurable outcomes.
- Capacity, skills and experience to deliver project within specified timeframe.
- Demonstrates commitment to long-term support for the project (where relevant).
Assessment criteria for projects on Council controlled land
- All works on Council owned or managed land will need to be conducted as per the approved work plan and/or letter of support as provided by the relevant Council branch and in line with Council’s workplace safety guidelines and practices.
Additional Criteria for schools
- Demonstrates link/s to the curriculum.
- Plan for sharing the project with the greater community e.g. open property, workshop, factsheet, newspaper articles.
- School commitment to long-term support for the project.
Application Requirements
- A letter of support from Principal / Head of School / Land Facilities Manager
- Letter of support / approval from relevant landowner/manager, for example, Council, state government, educational facility.
- Photos of the site (where applicable)
- Site map showing the proposed project area (where applicable).
- Certificate of incorporation (where applicable).
What will not be funded?
- Landscaped gardens.
- Projects of a similar nature will not be re-funded, for example, a sustainable garden in a school will only be funded once, maintenance or expansion will not be funded, and year after year funding will not be provided for the same project.
- Projects where there may be personal or financial gain from the outcomes.
- Projects which largely pay for a business’s standard services. Matching in-kind contribution must be detailed.
* Council employees who are also residents of the city can apply in the same way as any other resident, but must also submit a Conflict of Interest Declaration - Assessment Form
* Projects which primarily pay for a Businesses standard service - matching in-kind contribution MUST be detailed.
* Once you start your application you can save your progress and come back to it later.
* It is recommended that you save your progress prior to proceeding to the next page.